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Top 5 most aesthetic videogames of history

Written by Center for Global Education | Jul 5, 2019 4:09:15 PM

When you’re studying in college your daily life will go about having many things to do week by week, and adding chores such as do laundry and by groceries it can drive you crazy if you don’t know how to organize yourself. But thank God for technology! Because these apps will make your life so much easier.

If you’ve seen Bandersnatch you may have noticed how hard, long and complicated the process of making a videogame is, however the results will definitely be worth it for both developers and users. 

And even though beauty is relative we can all agree visuals will always be determinant before consuming any product and in this list your find from hyperrealism to minimalism, suited for all tastes. 


1. Abzu

We are all both amazed and terrified by the ocean, right? Well, Abzu brings all the beauty of the deep of sea to digital platforms through a unforgettable diving experience. Its name comes from the ancient words ab (ocean) and zu (to know), the intention? Interpret it as “ocean of wisdom”. 

It’s a simulator allowing you to explore and interact PEACEFULLY with the animals and elements around you; while the game goes in a linear way where caverns, coral reefs, submarine ruins will guide you until the end. This game’s from 2016, yes it might seem old, but believe me it’s worth a shot. 

2. Assassin’s Creed Odyssey

Who hasn’t played Assassin’s Creed? We’ve all tried at least one in our lives, that’s for sure and if you’re one of those you’ll know that even when it doesn’t have hyperreal graphics the aesthetics are just beautiful and the attention to details from costumes to landscapes and decoration is just flawless. 

In Odyssey, the story takes place in Ancient Greece (you can only imagine the magnificence of details) and if you’re fond of action games with interesting plot and an amazing construction of scenarios you can’t miss this game! Likely, you won’t stop until you’ve finished them all. 

3.  Dishonored Saga

Beauty relies not only in pink and corny things, at least that’s what the Dishonored Saga has shown us; it recreates amazing scenarios both beautiful and scary (it’ll give you goosebumps). What’s interesting about its design is the mix between Mediterranean and steampunk style to set the tone for the plot. 

Story goes around Corvo Attano, bodyguard of the Dunwall empress who is then framed with her murder so, as it happens in every videogame and movie ever he chooses to turn into a murderer seeking revenge. 

4. Flower

This videogame in particular has a beautiful concept: you have to control air currents in order to pick flower petals and pollinate other plants to bring back the life to a world destroyed by industrialization and big cities. 

Colors, along with the soundtrack and design of the game makes it an amazing experience for those who loves nature and  at the same time it addresses a quite sensitive problem such as the environment. With Flower you’ll witness the magic of nature exploding step by step. 

5. Gris

This is probable the most beautiful and touching videogame of the list. It’s an indie game from the Spanish development Nomada Estudio focused in platforms and adventures of Gris, a young girl full of hopes and lost in her own world.

Every illustration and sequence that build this game can excite even the toughest people due to its color changing watercolors designs. The main goal? Give a tranquility experience dangers and frustration free. 

Definitely, if you’re passionate about visuals these videogames will inspire you from beginning to end. They’re all available for different consoles and, surely will meet your budget one way or another. Believe, after trying them you’ll want to become a full time professional gamer.